Thai Tea with Ice

Thai Tea with Iced is that you can make your own and it’s easy to make. Not only that, the ingredients are easy to get. You only need thai tea powder brewed with hot water, sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, and ice cubes.

Although in its home country, namely Thailand, Thai Tea is made from Ceylon tea which is usually combined with other spices such as star anise, tamarind, and cinnamon. But if the spices are hard to come by, you can just prepare the ingredients above. Here we provide a recipe for Thai Tea with Iced for you.

Thai Tea with Iced

Thai Tea with Iced is that you can make your own and it's easy to make. Not only that, the ingredients are easy to get. You only need thai tea powder brewed with hot water, sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, and ice cubes.

  • 6 tbsp Thai tea powder
  • 100 ml hot water
  • 2 tbsp sweet thick
  • 250 ml evaporated milk
  • iced to taste
  1. Brew a teaspoon of thai powder with 200 ml of hot water. Let stand a few moments then strain.

  2. Prepare a serving glass. Pour 2 tablespoons of white-sweetened condensed milk and 250 ml of milk that has been heated to almost boiling. Stir. Pour 150 ml of concentrated tea water and mix well. Add 100 grams of ice cubes.

Thai Tea with Iced

Thai Tea with Iced is also ready to be enjoyed with Churros.

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